Build 2110 – Maintenance

General information

Over the last few months, we have been working mainly on the conversion of the database from v15 to v16, in order to ensure compatibility with macOS High Sierra, and so that the Windows 64-bit Server could be delivered. These developments have now been largely completed, so that we were once again able to compile a package of interesting improvements for you in this build.

Timesheet improvements

Different-coloured check marks in timesheets

Services recorded in a timesheet that had already been transferred to a dossier were previously shown with a red check mark. It was previously not possible to determine whether the services in question had already been invoiced, or whether they were only available for invoicing in the dossier. Several different colours of check marks are now displayed:

  • A grey check mark means that the service has been transferred to the dossier but has not yet been invoiced.
  • A red check mark means that the service has been transferred to the dossier and has already been invoiced.

The advantage is that you can now see at a glance in a timesheet whether services have been invoiced or not.

Dossier improvements

Different-coloured check marks in dossiers

In dossiers, it was previously not possible to determine whether invoices had been printed or not, or whether they had already been paid. An appropriate icon now appears to the right of the invoice:

  • No icon means that the invoice has not yet been printed (RG 73-00)
  • A grey check mark means that the invoice is still open (RG 39-00)
    • If a reminder needs to be issued for an invoice, the usual reminder status icons are shown.
  • A red check mark means that the invoice has been paid in full (RG 12-00)

The advantage is that you can now see at a glance in a dossier whether the invoice has been printed, and whether it has been paid.

Improvements in the Document Archive

New context menu for attachments

New options are now available when right-clicking on an attachment to a document:

  • Send selected attachments by e-mail: ¥ the e-mail client is started and the selected attachment is added to the e-mail.
    N.B.: If there are several recipients, pressing the Alt (Option) keywill ensure that a separate e-mail is created for each recipient.Otherwise, a single e-mail will be created for all the selected recipients.
  • Send as a ticket: das Dokument wird per Ticket an einen Mitarbeiter versandt. Dies ist ideal, um einem Mitarbeiter direkt eine Aufgabe zu delegieren.
  • New follow-up: a new follow-up is created for the document. The follow-up will then be shown in the "Deadlines / Follow-ups" window. This ensures that no tasks are forgotten.
  • Save selection to desktop: the document and/or the attachment is/are exported to your desktop.
  • Copy selection to drafts: the attachment is copied to Drafts and can be edited there.

Search by ID

The search menu now allows you to search using the unique ID of a document. You will find the ID in the title of the "Info" window of the document. The new search type is particularly useful when creating a ticket or follow-up for a document. The information on the document is stored in the ticket or in the follow-up. If the recipient of the ticket or the follow-up now clicks on the "Open data record" button, the mandate folder is opened and a search for the stored ID is carried out immediately. The advantage is that you always see the relevant document in the mandate folder.

Conversion to PDF when archiving e-mails by drag & drop (Test version)

Previously, if you used drag & drop to move e-mails to the document archive, they were saved in their original format: i.e. an .eml file was saved under macOS and an .msg file under Windows. However, it may be useful to you if timeSensor LEGAL converts the e-mails to PDFs and archives them in the new format. PDFs are preferable for long-term archiving, and can also be found with the full text search. In this version, we have implemented a check box in the archiving dialogue which triggers the conversion.

N.B.: due to the highly-complex process of converting different e-mail formats, this function was only implemented as a test version in order to gain experience. Depending on the results of the tests, we will either fully implement or remove the new feature at a later date. When converting documents to PDF format, please check whether the result is satisfactory. We welcome feedback on the new feature, and with regard to e-mails for which the conversion was unsuccessful.

Improvements in the Document Center

In the Document Center, documents can now be searched with no time restrictions. If you would like to do this, select "All" in the menu, as shown below:


Improvements in Deadlines / Follow-ups

New "Extend deadline" feature

The new "Extend deadline" function has been added to the functions "Duplicate deadline" and "Postpone deadline":

  • Duplicate deadline: creates any number of repetitions of recurring deadlines (e.g. a deadline that recurs every month).
  • Postpone deadline: the deadline is moved to a specific date or by a number of days/weeks/months/years.
  • Extend deadline (new): the original deadline is shown with a "completed" check mark and remains unchanged. A new deadline is created as a duplicate in the future.

The advantage of using "Extend deadline" is that the original deadline and all extensions thereof are now fully documented.

Jumping to distant dates

In the Deadline window, it is now possible to jump directly to distant dates with the aid of additional keys. Click on the right arrow or left arrow while holding down the following additional keys:

Alt (Option) + click on right arrow = +1 year
Alt (Option) + click on left arrow = -1 year

Alt (Option) + click on right arrow = +10 years
Alt (Option) + click on left arrow = -10 years

And as always...

Some minor improvements and bug fixes.